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Marketing Strategies For Restaurants
The 3×3 Video Grid

Restaurant Owners

Stop! Do not post on social media without a strategy

I’m here to save you a ton of time.

If you’re like most people on social media, you’ll end up posting randomly. Primarily to promote your restaurant.

The problem with that is that, ALL of your videos are “promotional”.

That means you’re always asking for your customers to buy something from you.

“Come try our new burger”
“Join us for happy hour”
“Free pizza if you buy one”

People get annoyed and start tuning you out.  You need to have a mix of content that serves your customers. Provides value and builds trust.

Having content that “warms up” your audience before you show them a promotion makes it more likely that they’ll act. 

The 3x3 Video Grid

The 3×3 video grid is foundational for any business who wants to market their business using videos.  It’s a set of 9 videos.  3 videos for each stage of the sales process.

Awareness videos attract new customers.  Consideration videos build trust.  And Conversion videos drive sales.

Together these videos systematically keep your restaurant top of mind with your customers and influences them to choose you the next time they decide where to eat.

Awareness "Why" Videos

These videos share facets of your life mostly outside of your professional career.  Their purpose here at the top of the funnel is to get attention and engage with new customers.

Tell stories of family, kindness, gratitude, perseverance, inspiration, humility and character.  Talk about your growth as a person and as an entrepreneur.

When you tell these stories, your audience will naturally be drawn in as they stop scrolling and watch through your reels.

The intention with these videos is to attract & engage. Thru-plays, comments, shares and likes.

Consideration "How" Videos

These videos here in the middle are intended to build trust, credibility and confidence. Where you demonstrate your expertise and gain status as an authority in your field.

Through these videos, you tell stories of how you/your brand/product/service has helped customers. 

How-to videos, guides, tutorials, webinars, workshops, speaking engagements. 

Behind the scenes look at how things are made or done. 

Talking-head, thought leadership videos.

Conversion "What" Videos

Conversion videos are what we are used to seeing mostly. These videos are the promotional ads that ask for the sale. 

Ads that say:

“Come in and join us for happy hour” or “Try our new angus burger” or “subscribe and save”

The mistake most businesses make is that they only make these conversion videos. So they’re always asking strangers to buy something from them. 

The problem is that if you show your ad to people that don’t know you, they are less likely to buy from you. 

Conversely, if you show your ad to someone who already knows you and trusts you, they are way more likely to do business with you.

Conversion videos should be concise and clear with what they want the audience to do. 

“Order now”, “Schedule your appointment”, “Start my trial”, “Learn more”

Ready To Start Making Videos?

3x3 Video Package For Restaurants

Have us come to your business and film all of your videos for you. The 3×3 video package includes a 1-hour filming session and 9 edited short form videos ready for social media.